By Charles McDowell
Comptia Certified Linux Networking Professional.
Cisco Certified Networking Technician.
Microsoft Technology Associate Database Administration
We can run a sql query from power shell using the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet.
The Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet will run a script with the commands supported by the SQL Server SQLCMD utility.
The support syntax include Transact-SQL , and XQuery syntax. Also included is Structured query language such as GO and QUIT.
When Invoke-sqlcmd is ran, the first result set that the script returns is displayed as a formatted table.
ALL Syntax
## SQL configuration $SQLInstance = "insertserver,insertportnumber" $SQLDatabase = "insertdatabase" # Check for sql scripts in a folder, exit program if none there. $SQLScriptDIR = “Insert folder path that has scripts” $SQLScripts = Get-ChildItem -Path $SQLScriptDIR If ([string]::IsNullOrWhitespace($SQLScripts)){ Exit Write-Host "No Scripts in $SQLScriptDIR" } # Give the SQLScripts object a property we can use to show status later $SQLScripts | Add-Member -NotePropertyName ProcessingStatus -NotePropertyValue '' # Execute scripts in folder and write to console which files excuted. ForEach($Script in SQLScripts) { Write-Host "Executing Script" Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $SQLInstance -Database $SQLDatabase -InputFile $Script.FullName $Script.ProcessingStatus = 'Script Executed' Write-Host "$Script.ProcessingStatus" #move the file out of the folder to an archive folder to soft delete files from folder Move-Item -Path $Script.FullName -Destination ($ConfigurationSQLScriptArchive + $Script.Name) -Force }