Let’s create a simple text based game in visual studio.
“There is only One Man Playing your Game, You!
Building a C# adventure game can be a fun way to learn how to code. While constructing a text-based game, you can gain an understanding of fundamental programming concepts, and an introduction to object-oriented theory.
If you've never worked with C# or are just learning to program, the following is my top 10 favorite sites for learning C# .
1. https://www.codecademy.com
2. https://www.tutorialsteacher.com/csharp/csharp-tutorials
3. https://www.lynda.com/C-tutorials/Learning-C/651201-2.html
4. https://csharp-station.com/Tutorial/CSharp/SmartConsoleSetup.aspx
5. https://www.deccansoft.com/csharp-training
6. https://www.edx.org/course/programming-c-microsoft-dev204x-3
7. https://channel9.msdn.com/Series/CSharp-Fundamentals-for-Absolute-Beginners?l=Lvld4EQIC_2706218949
8. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/csharp/index.htm
9. https://www.learncs.org/
Work on the tutorials - even if you don't understand all of what you are doing. Do them anyway. You might not fully "get" a concept until you've built a couple of applications. That's okay. Some of the ideas are complex and you just need time and practice to understand them.
Learning to program is similar to learning a musical instrument, or a foreign language. Practice is important. Today I want to present to you an opportunity to experiment and practice what you've learned. Play with the code below in visual studio and and see if you can figure out what each part of the code does. Let me know what you create on your own and what new feature you add to your text based game. Enjoy!
/* * C# Program to Demonstrate adventure game */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace textAdventure2 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { gameTitle(); first(); } /* this section will demonstrate writing to the console 6/11*/ public static void gameTitle() { Console.WriteLine("Hey this in the beginning of a text adventure game."); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to begin."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); first(); } /* this section will demonstrate switches 6/11*/ public static void first() { string choice; Console.WriteLine("You are lost in a forest with no cellphone reception"); Console.WriteLine("What do you do?"); Console.WriteLine("1. seek out help"); Console.WriteLine("2. look for water"); Console.WriteLine("3. Build a Shelter"); Console.Write("Choice: "); choice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); Console.Clear(); switch (choice) { case "1": case "seek out help": case "seek": { Console.WriteLine("You walk down the forest path seeking out help."); Console.WriteLine("You shout for help and your voice echoes through the area."); Console.WriteLine("Birds fly over head and wild animal noises surround you."); Console.WriteLine("Soon you notice a Bear charging your way."); Console.WriteLine("Unfortunately there is no escape."); Console.ReadLine(); gameOver(); break; } case "2": case "look for water": { Console.WriteLine("You search for water in the area."); Console.WriteLine("You find a water source nearby and begin drinking from it"); Console.WriteLine("After drinking some water, you are no longer thirsty and continue your journey"); Console.ReadLine(); second(); break; } case "3": case "build": case "build a shelter": { Console.WriteLine("You gather materials for building a shelter in the forest."); Console.WriteLine("After a few hours you are able to erect a sturdy shelter."); Console.WriteLine("You feel a bit safer but night is soon approaching."); ; Console.ReadLine(); second(); break; } default: { Console.WriteLine("Command is invalid..."); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to restart."); Console.ReadLine(); first(); break; } } } /* this section will demonstrate using random number generator and also allowing player to enter text response 6/18*/ public static void second() { Random rnd = new Random(); string[] secondOptions = { "A fierce thunder storm is on the horizon , will you take shelter?", "Your stomach begins to growl, will you search for food?", "You hear the sound of music off in the distance, will you search for the source?"}; int randomNumber = rnd.Next(0, 3); string secText = secondOptions[randomNumber]; string secChoice; Console.WriteLine(secText); Console.WriteLine("option 1"); Console.Write("Choice: "); secChoice = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (secChoice == "yes" || secChoice == "y") { Console.WriteLine("You feel as if something or someone is stalking you, but decide to ignore the feeling and continue."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); third(); } else if (secChoice == "no" || secChoice == "n") { Console.WriteLine("You stand idle and feel a sharp claw swipe your back , and jagged teeth tear at your legs"); Console.WriteLine("All is pain, followed by darkness."); Console.ReadLine(); gameOver(); } else { Console.WriteLine("You must reply Yes or no."); Console.WriteLine("Press 'Enter' to continue."); Console.ReadLine(); second(); } } /* this section demonstrates the use of loops 7/16/2019 */ public static void third() { int Decision; Console.WriteLine("A low growl can be heard amongst the trees"); Console.WriteLine("your stomach sinks and your eyes go wide as you scan the direction of the sound"); Console.WriteLine("Will you fight or flee? Type 1 or 2."); Console.Write("Decision: "); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Decision); int loop = 0; bool dead = false; while (Decision != 1 && dead == false) { if (loop <= 0) { Console.WriteLine("You are too slow, a large bear leaps out and claws you in the chest."); Console.WriteLine("You are bleeding profusely now, will your flee or fight?"); Console.Write("Decision: "); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Decision); loop ++ ; } else if (loop >= 1) { Console.WriteLine("The bear grabs you by your pants, you are kicking and screaming."); Console.WriteLine("Fear and adrenaline surge with in you. Fight or Flee? 1 or 2? "); Console.Write("Decision: "); int.TryParse(Console.ReadLine(), out Decision); dead = true; } } if (dead == true ) { Console.WriteLine("You feel a sharp claw swipe your back , and jagged teeth tear at your legs"); Console.WriteLine("All is pain, followed by darkness."); Console.ReadLine(); gameOver(); } else { Console.WriteLine("You fight with all your might, punching the bear in the nose and causing it to flee."); Console.ReadLine(); youWin(); } } public static void gameOver() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You have died."); Console.WriteLine("All is good in the multiverse and nature continues it's course."); Console.WriteLine("The End?"); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); gameTitle(); } public static void youWin() { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You have survived."); Console.WriteLine("A group of rangers spot you."); Console.WriteLine("You are saved."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); gameTitle(); } } }